The hotMaMa Diaries Blog - Breastfeeding blog and parenting blog

Breastfeeding and parenting blog

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How to meet other mums

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Meeting other mums, how to meet other mums, breastfeeding blog, parenting blog, uk parent blog, uk parent blogger, breastfeeding clothes, nursing clothes, nursing clothing, nursing top, nursing tops, nursing dress, breastfeeding tops, breastfeeding tops, breastfeeding vests, breastfeeding dress, breastfeeding dresses

We've get lots of posts from guest bloggers submitted, but one of the most common topics mums have struggled with is the loneliness associated with parenting. We've put together a list of top ways to meet other mums to help!

During Pregnancy
Joining an NCT group or attending a pregnancy yoga group is a great way to start building parenting friends even before baby arrives.

Postnatal groups
Many areas offer free postnatal groups for new mums with similar age babies. This is a great way to meet other mums at the same baby stage as you. Ask your Midwife, health visitor, or local children's center if these are offered in your area.

Your local children's center
Children's centers often run lots of baby friendly groups some may be one off or drop in events and others may be short courses on topics such as baby massage. The staff there will also be knowledgeable about other local groups that would suit you and your baby.

Most areas have a Facebook parenting group for your local town or area. Don't be afraid to ask for recommendations of good places to go with a newborn or places to meet other mums. You will likely find there are a whole range of baby and toddler groups going on for you to try. If you just have a new baby you might prefer to look for specific groups for under one year olds which will be less hectic than toddler groups and have other mums at a similar stage of parenting as you.

Join a class 
Although usually more expensive than drop in coffee mornings and more casual mum groups, signing up for a specific class can be a great way to meet other parents. There are lots to choose from including, baby massage, Baby Sensory, baby yoga etc. You'll also find that if you're booking on for a 6 week course of something that everyone will be 'new' and and few people will know each other already so starting conversations may be less daunting than going to an already established group. 

Use your local library
You may not have stepped foot in here for years (if ever!) but lots of libraries run sessions like baby rhymetime or storytime aimed at under one year olds. It's also worth remembering too that they're also incredibly parent friendly places so if you need to stop to breastfeed when out and about it's usually a great, free place to do so.

Using apps such as Mush are a great way to find other mums who are looking for friends your local area.

Top tips!
Be brave
Be the person that initiates conversation or arranges for everyone to go for coffee after a class.

Be a regular!
Attending regularly will help you get to know people better and quicker.

Look for groups for your age baby
You'll likely find you have more in common with other mums at these groups. They're also much calmer and you'll find that mum's often have more time to chat here than when they're chasing after older children and toddlers! 

how to meet other mums, breastfeeding blog, parenting blog, uk parent blog, uk parent blogger, breastfeeding clothes, nursing clothes, nursing clothing, nursing top, nursing tops, nursing dress, breastfeeding tops, breastfeeding tops, breastfeeding vests, breastfeeding dress, breastfeeding dresses

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